

ファーストステップ|First Steps

As Christians, we follow the Lord Jesus Christ, and if you would like to know more about who Jesus is, we have the perfect class for you.  

It is called First Steps, and we meet at 11:15 and 13:30 on Sundays in the Meeting Space for 30 minutes. 

You don't need to sign up in advance, so please feel free to join us!

祈りのパートナー|Prayer Partners

This is a ministry that we believe will strengthen our fellowship with each other and with God, through prayer, so we hope you will be able to take part and be blessed.

We uploaded a page on our website which describes this ministry.

男性弟子訓練|Men’s Discipleship (Part 2)

To help men grow as godly leaders, we have launched a two-part men’s discipleship group.

Part one concluded last October, and this second part will begin on February 6.

We will gather at the church at 7:30 pm on Thursday nights for four weeks, focusing on the theme of "Become Like Jesus."

All men are welcome to join us! Like last time, we are planning to gather at 6:30 to eat bentos together.

持ち寄りパーティー|International Potluck

On February 9th, we will have an international potluck! Everyone will be encouraged to bring a dish from their own country to share with our church.

If you’re not able to bring a dish. That’s okay. You can just pay 300 yen instead.

This will be a great chance for us to find out more about each other, the many cultures that make up our church, and to bless and be blessed by one another.

English Connect説明会|English Connect Interest Meeting                                             

English Connectのお知らせです。以前のイベントに参加されたり、ご存知の方もいると思いますが、この春に再開する予定です!                                    

Many of you might remember or have been a part of English Connect events before, and we’re excited to share that we’re planning to restart this spring!

イベントに参加したい、または、奉仕してみたいという方は、「English Connect 説明会」にどうぞお越しください。2月23日(日)の2時から、隣のレンタルスペースの3階で行います。ぜひご参加ください!
If you’re interested in joining or helping out with these events, we’d love to see you at our English Connect Interest Meeting. It’ll be on Sunday, February 23rd, at 2pm, in the rental space next door on the 3rd floor. Hope you can join us!


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