2部礼拝10月27日開始|2nd Service Starts on October 27th
Our church has been blessed with growth!
In the midst of that growth, we want to continue to welcome newcomers well while also going deeper in our relationships with each other.
Therefore, beginning October 27, 2024, we will begin holding 2 worship services at the following times.
1部礼拝 | 1st Service: 9:45 (午前 | am)
2部礼拝 | 2nd Service: 12:00 (午後 | pm)
ファーストステップ|First Steps
As Christians, we follow the Lord Jesus Christ, and if you would like to know more about who Jesus is, we have the perfect class for you.
It is called First Steps, and we meet at 11:15 and 13:30 on Sundays in the café space for 30 minutes.
You don't need to sign up in advance, so please feel free to join us!
祈りのパートナー|Prayer Partners
This is a ministry that we believe will strengthen our fellowship with each other and with God, through prayer, so we hope you will be able to take part and be blessed.
We uploaded a page on our website which describes this ministry.
こども祝福の日曜日| Children’s Blessing Sunday
On November 17, we will have a Children's Blessing Sunday.
Many of you are familiar with the 7-5-3 holiday in Japan, and we have expressed in the past what we have learned which is that there is no inherently religious meaning behind this day.
Therefore, as we did before, we would like to take this day to pray over and bless the children of our church during our service.
Please feel free to use this occasion of blessing to invite any friends or family members to our church.
ニューカマーズ集会 | Newcomers Gathering
We have a Newcomers Gathering for anyone who has recently started attending our church and wants to know more about our church.
We have this meeting every few months, so that you can meet one of our pastors and some members, and you can also find out how to become a member.
The next meeting will be on November 24th, at 2pm on the third floor of the orange building next to us.
クリスマスのイベント | Christmas Events
We are approaching the Christmas season!
This is a wonderful time in which we celebrate the coming of our Savior Jesus, and share the message of his coming with the people of our city.
Please refer to these dates for our Kids' Christmas Party, caroling in the city, Candlelight Service, and the church Christmas party.
You can be thinking about whom you would like to invite. All of these will lead up to our Christmas service on Sunday, 12/22.
If the calendar isn’t displaying properly, please try refreshing the page.